Spring Cleaning Your Makeup Bag

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home. The cold winter months leave our beauty regimens yearning for a fresh take, making spring the ideal season to re-assess your cosmetic bag. Try these steps with me to eradicate the cluttered, clumpy, crusty and funky beauty items from our lives.

Step One: Toss

What items do you need to toss? Use your senses: Does it smell funky? Toss! Does it have a stick to it that isn’t supposed to be there? Toss! Bottom line, if you’d be embarrassed to show it to your coworkers or friends, it’s time to bid adieu and move on!

Step Two: Tweak

For the items you’re not willing to part with, consider giving them some TLC so they can remain front runners in the beauty bag.

Sharpen and Sanitize any eye, lip and concealer pencils. I like to do due diligence when cleaning any item, especially one that touches the eye area which is the most bacteria ridden area of our faces. This means sharpening the pencils and spritzing them with alcohol. It may seem like a bit much, but isn’t a little hygiene worth it when it comes to preserving our beauty?

For a dreadfully crumbled eye shadow, bronzer, powder or blush, ask first, “is there enough of the cosmetic left to make it worth saving?” and “Did the crumble happen inside the packaging?” If you’ve answered “yes” to these questions, then let’s set out to save it! Pull out your handy alcohol spritzer and your broken compact. First, slowly saturate the powder with the alcohol. Using a clean plastic spoon or knife, mix the alcohol and powder until they are a paste, even it out within the package, and press the product firmly back into place. Allow the compact to air dry overnight and wake up to find your favorite product fully restored (and sanitized)!

Step Three: Trade

The beauty industry upgrades products and launches new favorites before you can blink. It can be overwhelming, but there are some great reformulations and innovations that allow us to better care for our skin with the introduction of features like SPF and antioxidants. I am a huge advocate of the multi-purpose formulas like BB & CC creams, which can help minimize the number of items we use while maximizing performance. Pairing natural ingredients with lasting results is a win-win in my book.

Step Four: Breathe a Sigh of Relief

You’ve taken the challenge, tackled it with success, and now have a fresh start to maximizing your beauty more healthily and simply.


Vanessa Elese is a NY based, Emmy Award winning celebrity makeup artist and beauty expert. Vanessa’s most recent work includes Amazon’s Alpha House, Netflix’s highly addictive Orange is the New Black and Discover’s Deadly Affairs. Above all, Vanessa focuses her efforts to encourage and nurture a healthy inner beauty before focusing on the exterior. It is her mission to truly ignite women to perceive themselves with grace and beauty. http://www.thebeautyfairydiaries.com/

Imagery by Kristina Hultkrantz.

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