A RENAISSANCE LIFE: For those who thrive on flux, flow, and fluidity

A “Renaissance Man” is a colloquial term for a well-rounded gentleman; one with developed skills in academics and a multitude of other areas. The Renaissance Man endeavored to reach his full potential. He was smart and savvy. He had many talents and knew no bounds.

Boundless? Sounds like the businesswomen of today.

Are we so different from the Renaissance Men of the past? Women in business today are artists; creative in the way they design and run their beautiful undertakings (hello Sarah Sproule, C&W Issue 2). They are virtuosos in social affairs; their networks are large, and close (hello Shama Hyder, C&W Issue 1). They are physically skilled, whether for pleasure, balance or work (hello Misty Copeland, C&W Issue 4). There is an appreciation of craft, a love of learning, and a zest for life.

Renaissance women are made, not born. They live a life of appreciation and constantly seek to enhance their skills in all areas. They read great books and pass them on to friends. They take time for themselves, because they know it’s important to reflect. They foster a sense of peace and know that they can change some things, and other things are best left to flourish as-is.

Well-rounded gentlewomen we are.

Bethany Miller is an explorer in life and in business. She’s an airline pilot, veteran, and world traveler. Fascinated by global issues and the business of business, Bethany is a doctoral candidate at Université Paris-Dauphine in Paris, France where she researches extraordinary employees in chaotic work environments.


*photo by Jacklyn Greenberg of JAG Studios

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