Issue 1 – Editor Letter

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear,” George Addair

Don’t you just love a good quote? Of my many favorites, that quote plays often in my mind.

Less than a year ago I set sail on a journey called CAKE&WHISKEY. The course? Unknown.

I had an idea, a roughly sketched map on paper, guidance from those who had gone before me, and, more importantly, tenacity that wouldn’t let me quit. But along with my sense of adventure and confidence in my ability to navigate the rough seas ahead, there was fear. Loads of it.

Speaking on a CEO panel as founder of a new business publication alongside executives from Microsoft and Goldman Sachs? Fear.

Reaching out to advertisers and sponsors, asking them to believe in the dream and vision of CAKE&WHISKEY long before it reached the public? Fear.

Maneuvering the streets of NYC for the first time, heading into meetings that could potentially launch CAKE&WHISKEY into the stratosphere? Fear.

Watching this first issue come together just as I had dreamed and presenting this “baby” to the world for the first time? Big time fear.

But that quote….that quote was my anchor when fear raised its ugly head. It held my perspective when my focus became too tunnel-visioned that I lost sight of the big picture. It was my voice of reason when I was drowning in doubt.

The truth is, CAKE&WHISKEY is an idea whose time has come and pressing through the doubt, the obstacles and the fear really is everything that I could have dreamed was possible and more.

The cover for our inaugural first issue isn’t just for kicks. As businesswomen, we are overcomers. Whether a venture capitalist in Toronto, a marketing guru in Texas, a pitmaster in Tennessee, a bow tie maker in North Carolina or a military doctor serving in Iraq, we must drown out the voices of self doubt and listen to that quiet inner voice reminding us we really can dream and achieve much more than the world says we can. Trust yourself. Believe in your dreams. Cast vision. Set sail.

And, go ahead, have that slice of cake and glass of whiskey~ there’s definitely fun to be had on the journey.