
Words and Photography by Pamela Sutton

Difference: The One-Page Method for Reimagining Your Business and Reinventing Your Marketing
by Bernatte Jiwa

What if your business turned into wild success overnight all because of a story—your story?

Bernadette Jiwa is a freelance brand story strategist and author of best-selling marketing book Difference: The One-Page Method for Reimagining Your Business and Reinventing Your Marketing. The Difference Model is a new way of marketing: brand storytelling. No longer is marketing about tactics or labels; it’s about creating meaning in the lives of our customers through the art of storytelling. An engaging, true story that moves people to act, and fall in love with your idea. Jiwa sums up her short, but powerful book as one that “turns the old Marketing Mix model on its head. The businesses that have wildly succeeded in the past decade have done it by understanding their customers first, which enables them to create products and services for their customers.” By learning to see through the eyes of our another, Difference shows us how to transform our company from something that works from a distance to becoming a part of our customer’s own narrative.

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