Dreaming My Dreams With You

Words and Photography by Morgan Day Cecil

What was I thinking, sharing my heart with the world?

That afternoon in my daughter’s bedroom, I was ready to border up my sensitive soul, punch a motivational speaker in the nose, and forget about ever making a dime from my passion.

But quitting my dream wasn’t an option. Not because I said so (I was ready to fold), but because my husband said so. That day he knew who I was and what I really wanted better than I did. He knew, because two months earlier I had shared the dream with him.

Flashback to before the scene with the tears. The kids had just been tucked into bed and, curled up on the couch, I shared with him my desire to open an online shop featuring quote prints to start creating for the public what I had been creating for our home and for friends for years. Talking to him about my ideas energized me. I was excited. I was totally lit up. He loved seeing me so alive and told me so.

I carried a wishy-washy version of my small business dream for years, but, once I spoke it out loud and shared it with the person I love and respect most in the world, my dream became an online storefront, stocked in less than a month.

When we are dreaming alone, it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality.

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